What is future interest in property

Subject to there being no intermediate interests, what is set out above also applies where the estate or interest of the limited owner is determined otherwise than 

A future interest is in direct contrast with a present right to property, also referred to as a possessory estate. A future interest may be conditioned upon the  Farmer Bob has a present possessory estate in the farm. Alternatively, a future interest is an estate in land where you have a present interest in real property but   Contingent Interest: A right to possess and/or enjoy property now or in the future that is conditional upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event or condition  Seattle University Law Review because no one else holds an interest in the property. In other situations, what was once a future interest will become a present. FUTURE INTERESTS IN REAL ESTATE. Property may be of either limited or unlimited duration. At least, this is the doctrine of common law with regard to land. A possessory interest allows a beneficiary to possess the property when the interest is conveyed. However, a future interest only allows a beneficiary to possess 

I also contend, in a 'fusionist' spirit, that equitable property interests should not be The Future of the Non-Charitable Purpose Trust” in Hayton, David, ed, 

A future interest, in property terms, is the reversion to you of ownership in property you deeded to someone else for a limited length of time. Your right to possession of the land is a future right as opposed to a present right. A possessory interest allows a beneficiary to possess the property when the interest is conveyed. However, a future interest only allows a beneficiary to possess the property at sometime in the future, after the interest has been conveyed. Example 1: B, who has a fee simple title to property, Future Interest. A claim on property, real or personal, that will begin at some point in the future. A future interest allows the grantor to retain the right to use that property until the specified transfer date. Future interest agreements are often used by donors for tax purposes. Accompanies a life estate OR term of years Remainder is a future interest created in a grantee that is capable of becoming possessory upon expiration of the prior possessory estate in the same conveyance Never travels alone - "To A for life, THEN TO B" Never follows a defeasible fee because it can NOT cut short or divest a prior transferee In other words, an estate is ownership of property for a period of time. A present estate is an estate that entitles the owner to possession in the present. A future estate, on the other hand, is an estate that entitles the owner to take possession sometime in the future. A has a possessory fee simple subject to an executory limitation (or subject to divestment by B’s executory interest). B’s future interest can become possessory only by divesting A. Example 15. O conveys “to A for life, then to B and her heirs, but if B dies under the age of 21, to C and her heirs.” B is 15. future interest, look for two labels: on the outside is the term identifying the type of future interest; hidden inside, however, is a present interest waiting to appear. 3 The notion of dividing ownership according to time allowed

I also contend, in a 'fusionist' spirit, that equitable property interests should not be The Future of the Non-Charitable Purpose Trust” in Hayton, David, ed, 

1 AMERICAN LAW OF PROPERTY § 4.27 (1952). The difference be- tween contingent remainders and executory interests are of dwindling importance today . 1  INTERESTS IN PROPERTY. 700.01 Definitions. 700.02 Classification of interests in property as to duration. 700.03 Classification of present and future interests. 20 Oct 2006 Qualified estates and future interests are ways and means of giving land conditionally. The law is very severe on these types of transactions  Property – Estates and Future Interests, Edwards, 3rd Edition Possessory Estates Durational Nature: Fee simple – unlimited duration. O to A and his heirs.

In property law and real estate, a future interest is a legal right to property ownership that does not include the right to present possession or enjoyment of the property. Future interests are created on the formation of a defeasible estate; that is, an estate with a condition or event triggering transfer of possessory ownership. A common example is the landlord-tenant relationship.

A future interest, in property terms, is the reversion to you of ownership in property you deeded to someone else for a limited length of time. Your right to possession of the land is a future right as opposed to a present right.

PROPERTY § 161 (1936). 20. A contingent remainder is a future interest which is created in a transferee simultaneously with a preceding estate of lesser duration  

4 Feb 2020 This future interest series isn't meant to be a comprehensive overview… allows the grantor to hold the property for a certain period of time. I also contend, in a 'fusionist' spirit, that equitable property interests should not be The Future of the Non-Charitable Purpose Trust” in Hayton, David, ed,  2 Mar 2020 It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule  Also available from Amazon: Handbook on the law of real property. Future Estates. 160. A future estate is one which does not entitle its owner to the possession of  Alternatively, a future interest is an estate in land where you have a present interest in real property but you don't currently have the right to possess it. Farmer Bob wants to give his children

28 Mar 2014 2) has the condition triggering the future interest been violated or occurred? Term . Fee Simple Absolute. Definition. Property ownership with no